Error Codes

The API may respond with errors. The response structure in error cases will always have the following format

    "status": 404,
    "path": "/mailer/",
    "timestamp": "2023-05-04T01:36:07.934Z",
    "error": "ERROR_CODE",
    "message": "Message explaining the error"

Below you will find the possible errors that the API can return.

API_KEY_NOT_FOUND 400 When apikey is not sent in the headers
INVALID_APIKEY_EXCEPTION 400 When the apikey is not correct
MAILER_API_LIMIT_REACHED 429 When you exceed the limit of daily requests of your current plan
SMTP_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND 404 When you try to use an smtp account that doesn't exist in your account
TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND 404 When you try to use a template that doesn't exist in your account